Are Bamboo Paper Towels Eco-Friendly

Best Reusable Paper Towels

Best Reusable Paper Towels


  Every year, Americans consume over 13 billion pounds of paper towels. This equates to 40 pounds or 80 rolls each year per person. That's a lot of trees that have to be cut down in order to have the convenience of being able to rely on paper towels. In addition to converting trees into paper for paper towels, they use harmful chemicals. We must force ourselves to consider how the same paper towels we use to wipe up messes are causing messes that contaminate our wider ecosystems. Is there another product that will fulfill our demands while also providing peace of mind when we utilize it? 

  The good news is that we can substitute reusable paper towels for tree-based paper towels. When considering switching to reusable paper towels, we need to figure out how to find the most suitable ones. There are many factors that make reusable paper towels the most convenient. These range from environmental benefits to saving us money in the long term. Reusable paper towels are also easy to clean. And when it comes to selecting the finest reusable paper towels we do not have to look further than Seek Bamboo. 

Reusable Paper Towels Are a Great Choice for Us:


  The next time we spill something in the kitchen, are doing an art project, or are doing some seasonal deep cleaning instead of reaching for a traditional paper towel with all the inherited negative impacts of that choice, we should grab a reusable bamboo paper towel instead. Bamboo paper towels are better for the environment, for our pocketbooks, and help us keep our homes clean and organized. Bamboo paper towels are just one of several eco-friendly products we can use to keep our homes sparkling and shining every day.

Reusable Paper Towels Are Tree-Free

  Reusable paper towels are made from bamboo. Bamboo fibers are gentler than cotton and noted for strength and durability. Bamboo is also a plant that grows quicker than trees and requires less water and pesticides to flourish. Ultimately, the whole manufacturing cycle of reusable bamboo paper towels is better for the environment than conventional tree-based paper towels or recycled paper towels.

Bamboo Paper Towels Are Antibacterial

  In addition to its firmness and softness, bamboo contains inherent antibacterial and anti-odor properties, which enable bamboo reusable paper towels to stay fresh even after repeated use. This is why reusable paper towels are better than sponges. This gives us peace of mind because nobody likes using things that smell musty after a while. It's always nice to find a product that's beneficial for the environment while still functioning for us. Bamboo paper towels help us to wipe up all of our messes while keeping smiles on our faces. It's always wonderful to know that by purchasing environmentally friendly bamboo reusable paper towels, we're doing the right thing for our families and houses.

Reusable Paper Towels Save Us Money:


  Two rolls of reusable bamboo paper towels can replace 6-12 months of paper towel usage. That is a lot of trees that don’t need to be cut down and a lot of paper towels we do not have to buy. It is also a pleasure not to have to store large quantities of paper towels. This is because few of us consider paper goods to bring us joy when they fill up our homes.

Reusable Paper Towels Are Easy To Clean

  Reusable bamboo paper towels are also easy to clean because they are machine washable, so we have no excuse for not trying them in our households. This is encouraging to hear because few of us have lots of extra time to do some complicated process to clean reusable paper towels. If such towels are not easy to use many of us will reach for other less eco-friendly versions. This is because convenience often trumps our good intentions.

Why Do Seek Bamboo’s Reusable Paper Towels Stand Out?

  This isn't your typical roll. To help us create a sustainable kitchen, Seek Bamboo has created 100% reusable bamboo paper towels. Seek Bamboo's reusable paper towels are chemical-free and can be washed and reused repeatedly. With a two-pack of eco-friendly bamboo paper towels, we can clean our whole kitchen today. Seek Bamboo’s Reusable bamboo paper towels are incredibly durable while soft. Bamboo paper towels can clean more than one mess! Two rolls of Seek Bamboo’s reusable bamboo paper towels may replace months of typical paper towel use. They even offer a mesh bag to make cleaning easier.