Best Vegan Conditioner Bar

Vegan Conditioner Bars

Vegan Conditioner Bar


 Vegan Conditioner Bar


  Too often when we step into the shower we face a row of plastic bottles filled with the products we use for our hair and body. Many of these bottles are further filled with ingredients made from chemicals that we can’t pronounce or read. We often have no idea where these chemicals we are putting on our hair and body come from, other than knowing that they can not be found in nature. This is not the way it has to be. If you want to reduce your personal plastic use, consider products such as vegan conditioner bars. These conditioner bars help keep your hair naturally moisturized without the plastic waste! Additionally, hair conditioner bars are cost-effective, their compact size makes them great for travel, and they are made up of natural vegan ingredients. Is this zero-waste alternative too good to be true? 


  While we might agree that we want to reduce our plastic use, we still have some concerns about conditioner bars. We might ask if a conditioner bar would really be able to work with our hair type. We might worry that a conditioner bar might not provide us a lovely smelling shower. Or we might think such bars would be “one size fits all”, and we all know that “one size fits all” rarely actually fit our particular needs. We don’t have to worry, the answer is yes these vegan conditioner bars will work for us. Conditioner bars come in a wide range of amazing scents all which have different benefits for our hair, and Seek Bamboo has you covered


Green Tea Conditioner Bars:

  If you are in need of a conditioner bar that will leave your head & hair feeling refreshed and hydrated you might consider a green tea conditioner bar. These conditioner bars combine the rich scalp benefits of green tea with the conditioning power of natural butters and other essential oils. Leaving your hair soft yet strong. You will experience improved scalp health, and is recommended for those with normal hair types.

Vegan Seaweed Conditioner Bars:

  If you have never thought of using seaweed on your hair you are not alone. While seaweed might not be much to look at it turns out to be a powerhouse ingredient for our hair. Did you know seaweed contains vitamins, minerals, as well as collagen which are all great for your hair. Seaweed can assist with everything from hair recovery, hydration, mineralisation and even hair thickness. You should check out the amazing ingredient that the oceans have gifted us with. Show off your thick healthy hair brought to you by seaweed is a literal gift from the sea. 

Vegan Citrus Conditioner Bars:

  If you want to naturally wake up and have an invigorating start to your day you might consider the fresh scent of citrus. In the same way that a fresh glass of orange juice can lift your spirit, these conditioner bars can brighten your day right up. Even better the benefits of citrus conditioner bars go way beyond simply their great scent. These bars are packed with vitamins and essential oils which are great for your hair and scalp. These bars also have natural anti-inflammatory benefits too. If you want to take a moment to send love to your scalp citrus conditioner bars are the way to go.

Vegan Coconut Conditioner Bars:

  If you want to step into your shower and be transported to a tropical paradise try coconut conditioner bars. These bars provide extra conditioning for your hair because they are packed with lauric acid which can penetrate the hair follicles and really disburse all the vitamins and nutrients from root to tip. These bars are also known for leaving you with super soft hair. If what you seek in a conditioner is super soft and extra conditioned hair than these bars are for you.

  With such a wide range of amazingly smelling vegan conditioner bars, which target your particular hair goals why would you use anything else? It is time to ditch the plastic bottles and chemicals in your shower and go all natural instead. You can feel confident that you will have great hair, know where your conditioner ingredients come from, all while decreasing the environmental impact of your whole home. The toughest choice you may have to make is what wonderful scent do you feel like today! Seek Bamboo has shown us that vegan conditioner bars live up to the hype.