Plastic Free Toilet Paper

Plastic Free Toilet Paper


  Toilet paper is a product that we often use without giving it a second thought. Few of us know exactly what our toilet paper is made from. We tend to assume that all toilet paper is basically the same, outside of a few small differences, such as how many layers it has. In reality we find there is a wide range of toilet papers from traditional tree-based versions, to recycled versions, to bamboo versions.


  On top of not paying attention to what our toilet paper is made of, we often forget to think about the environmental impact of the plastic packaging that traditional toilet paper comes in. It is amazing how quickly that plastic wrapping can add up, not only filling our garbage cans but also creating waste that will stay polluting the environment for centuries to come.


  If we want to move towards a more environmental lifestyle, it is important to think about the toilet paper choices that we make every day. So, what options do we have when it comes to plastic and tree free toilet paper? Which toilet paper is the best for us to use? For most of us the answer is bamboo toilet paper.


What Is Plastic Free Toilet Paper?


  While we have several options, one of our best plastic free toilet papers are bamboo options. Bamboo toilet paper is toilet paper which is made from bamboo, a plant which grows over 1,000 times faster than trees. Bamboo also needs less water to grow, needs to be regularly harvested to thrive, and uses less pesticides than other plants we might choose to make toilet paper out of.


  Using less pesticides is especially important because we do not want harsh chemicals getting close to our intimate skin. When we are choosing a bamboo toilet paper it is important that we choose one that is made from sustainably sourced bamboo which lowers our environmental footprint even more. Making the choice to use bamboo toilet paper instead of traditional toilet paper can make a big ecological difference since we use toilet paper each day. 


Why Should We Choose Bamboo Toilet Paper?


  There are many reasons bamboo is a great plant to make toilet paper out of. In addition to being quick growing bamboo fibers are known to be softer than cotton and being very strong. No one wants scratchy toilet paper or toilet paper that breaks down as we are using it. In addition to being strong and soft, toilet paper made from bamboo is odor-free & hypoallergenic.


  Bamboo toilet paper does not use inks, dyes, or scents either. This is important since the last thing any of us wants is to develop a rash. When choosing toilet paper, it is always nice when we do not have to sacrifice comfort or strength when choosing an environmentally friendly alternative. 

  People wonder if bamboo toilet paper flushes well, or does bamboo toilet paper block drains, or is bamboo toilet paper septic safe. The answer is simple! It is a Yes! Bamboo toilet paper is easy on household pipes and septic tanks


Bamboo Toilet Paper Subscriptions


  Choosing a plastic free bamboo toilet paper subscription is a great way to save ourselves some money. Everyone appreciates a little extra cash in their pockets which they then can spend on items that truly bring them joy. Such subscriptions also make sure that we never have to face running out of toilet paper at an inconvenient moment. Seek Bamboo's toilet paper is shipped in 100% plastic-free, recyclable, and compostable packaging which means the packaging can even help us grow amazing plants in our gardens. This beats plastic packaging which can hang out filling our landfills for centuries. Toilet paper subscriptions are convenient and help guarantee we are making good ecological choices for our homes every day.


  When choosing toilet paper there are a wide range of criteria we might use including cost, strength, softness, and whether it comes with tons of unneeded plastic packaging. For many of us we will find that natural toilet paper is the way to go. In addition to being made from a sustainable crop, bamboo toilet paper can also come right to our front doors which means we can be confident that we will never run out or have to worry about shop shelves being empty in our time of need.


  While in the past we may not have paid much attention to the toilet paper that we used, we now know we can make a different choice. Choosing bamboo toilet paper helps us move towards an environmental lifestyle which will make us feel good inside and out. When choosing to make small changes that can make a big difference moving to plastic free toilet paper is a great option.

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